Friday, September 08, 2006

My car does trigonometry

Who knew ? Today in trig we were doing story problems - yuk ! - and we learned that there is actually something you learn in trig that is used in real life. It has to do with the rotation of your tires and the size of your tires which determine how far you go in miles. And, did you know that all odometers are based on standard 24" tires ... so if you change your tires out to something larger, then your odometer is never accurate going forward. Your car may think you've gone 1.0 mile when you've actually gone 1.2 miles......CRAZY !

Everyone have a great weekend !


Digital Fortress said...

My car and I dislike mathematics.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the factory sets the spedo/odometer with the particular transmission and set of wheels and tires that go on a that model car.

Tracy said...

Well, I"m sure that is true, but the main point was that if someone changes out their tires themselves to something bigger, then the odometer will be off going forward.

Anonymous said...

this is exactly why i prefer biology!

Anonymous said...

But what if your car stays in teh parking garage all the time like mine? If I change my tires out, and drive it 0.0 miles, since I walk to work now, will it think it's gone -0.2 miles? Now that would be interesting. Hmmm......