Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Merchant Chronicles

As most of you already know, I work as a tech support/customer service rep for a credit card processing company. Basically, merchants (business owner's) that have credit card machines in their business call me when they have technical issues or customer service related issues. They each have what is called a Merchant ID is a unique identifier for them and it is the first thing I ask for when answering a call. Here are some excerpts from real calls.....

Tracy : Can I get the last six digits of your Merchant #?
Merchant : 0594561
- - - - - -
Tracy : Can I get the last six digits of your Merchant #?
Merchant : How many ?
Tracy : The last 6
Merchant : 291000000436519
- - - - - -
Tracy : Can I get the last six digits of your Merchant #?
Merchant : The last 4 ?
Tracy : The last 6
Merchant : 0401001

You gotta love 'em.

Off tonight for a quick turn-around to Abilene to see my niece, Morgan in The Nutcracker. Be back tomorrow night with pictures. Ciao

Friday, November 17, 2006

Fingernails, weather and camping.....

...just a few updates and comments. I am still NOT biting my fingernails....and they are getting longer. However, I am realizing they are not very strong. So, I broke THREE on my left hand last week - which is very annoying because now those three are short again. Not as short as when I bit them but still.....grrrrrr. I'm going to buy some nail strengthener this weekend.

As you may have noticed, I added a little weather module over on the right side. I like having current weather on my blog. And there is a cute one a lot of people have that is a girl wearing weather appropriate outfits, etc. and it displays the weather.....but they don't really have a girl that represents a 40-year old chunky white chick so I decided to go with the generic weather channel version.

Lastly, camping.....not the traditional kind - the dorky kind. Oddly, now that I have said I am not going to put a picture on every blog, I now have pictures for practically every blog. LOL ! Here are some from yesterday :

[This one is at WalMart and this guy is about to start throwing a football with his buddy.]

[These two are, obviously, at Best Buy...looking at the bottom one, notice
that the tent on the far right has a hanging plant out front.]

Yep, you guessed it. Dorks, camping out at a WalMart and Best Buy waiting for the Playstation 3 to come out. I guess I missed the profiteering bandwagon though - they are selling on eBay today for anywhere from $1500 - to $5000+ - oh well, I'll remember that for the Playstation 4.

More updates tomorrow.....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Well, I was wrong......

... awhile back, I had a post that said "Bring two scantrons." was the worst three words you can hear from a professor. Well, that may be the worst three words but now a new sentence with eight words may be headed to the top of the list of things you don't want to hear from your professor, and those eight words are : "The test will take place over two days." Yep, my trigonometry teacher informed us this week that our third test [and it's not the final] will take place over two days. Great ! She also said some of us will come in and be done with each part in 30 minutes and then there will be some of us that she will have to "pry the test out of our hands" when the hour is up. I'd like to happily be somewhere in the middle please.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Resolution, Fesolution and New Blogger.....

The picture on every blog resolution is out. It's too restrictive. So, I will revise it to say, I will be trying to put MORE pictures on my blog, but not necessarily on every one.

OK, so today I switched to the "new" blogger...not really sure what that did but when I logged in there was a message from blogger telling me it was time to switch so I did. We'll see if anything changes.

Since my last post......I got a 94 on a trig test, I went to the doctor and my niece and sister came for a visit. School is going well. I have only 4 weeks left of this semester and one of them is Thanksgiving week so basically I have 3 weeks left. I registered for Spring classes last Friday, I am taking 3 - all at UTA and I think they will be okay. One is another math class and two are basic science classes....NOT Biology. I've put that one on hold for the time being. I have to be done with all but 15 hours of my pre-education classes in order to start the program in the fall so taking 3 classes in the spring and 2 in the summer will put me right on track.

Went to see Dr. Jennings the other day - just the first check-up since I got insurance again. My blood pressure was good and he took blood to check everything else so I should be hearing from him on those results this week. My weight is still an issue - he didn't say it but I know it and working from home is not helping. So, I'm going to work on getting in that "mode" over the next six weeks and then in 2007 I am finally going to get my act together and do something about it. Stay tuned for that because I will probably use this blog [or create an additional one] to keep track of that little project.

Speaking of watching what I eat......JoLynn and Morgan came in last weekend for a visit and I think all we did was eat. They got here Friday night and we hung out deciding on our plans for Saturday. Saturday we got up, went to McDonald's for breakfast - went to the mall, specifically the Build A Bear store and got Morgan some new clothes for her cat, Sydney. Morgan's birthday is the 17th so she had $50 from her parents and $30 from my parents to spend. So, it was a shopping spree to say the least. I think she spent $50 in the bear store and the other $30 in Claire's buying earrings and lip gloss [the only "make-up" she can wear] and when it was done we were tired. We went to On The Border for lunch and here is a picture from that - some serious coloring going on here :

After than it was off to Old Navy, Recollections, Michael's, JoAnn Fabrics and a few more of our favorite places. I wanted to go see a movie and get out of my apartment for the evening since I am there all the time working but Morgan had other plans so we came home for a brief rest and then headed to Chili's so Morgan could have some baby-back ribs. On the way home we stopped for a movie - Chicken Little and that was it for the night. I needed a nap and about a 10-mile walk to get rid of all the food we had eaten that day. Overall the weekend was a blast, and even though the first words out of Morgan's mouth Friday night had been "We're here without Mason !" - her first words when waking up Sunday morning were "I'm ready to go home and see my daddy and my bubba." So, off they went at about 7:45a to head back to Abilene.

More life updates tomorrow.......