Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ugly Betty, Criminal Minds, CSI : Miami.......

.....and more. I am ready for my shows to come back on. My two favorite shows are Ugly Betty and Criminal Minds....one premieres on September 26th and the other on the 27th. I can't wait, let the countdown begin. I don't really consider myself someone that watches a lot of TV, I think I have mentioned that before....but I do have favorite shows I watch pretty much weekly. They don't tether me to my apartment or anything, I tape them if there are more entertaining things to be done.

Returning shows I am planning to watch/tape in the Fall :

Ugly Betty
Criminal Minds
Law and Order : SVU
CSI : Miami
Boston Legal
Grey's Anatomy
Men In Trees
Desperate Housewives

I don't do reality TV - I might flip over to Dancing with the Stars just to see one person dance or if my normal show is on a re-run but I don't usually stay on there for more that 5 minutes. I used to watch CSI and Heroes but I got behind on them and they kinda fell off my radar.

For the first time in a long time there are several new shows that look interesting. Here are some new shows I am going to try out this year :

Carpoolers - love Jerry O'Connell
Pushing Daisies - just looks interesting
Private Practice
Big Shots - love Michael Vaughn
Women's Murder Club - I've read the books

So we'll see if these survive the cut and stay programmed on my DVR as the season progresses. What are you looking forward to returning ? and new ?

P.S. The ONE show I am boycotting - Cavemen - oh, hell no.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Greensheet.....brings you buyers

So, Friday night was the usual outing to the No Frills Grill.....it was Courtney, her mom and I when we first got there. Irritatingly, there was no booth available in our favorite waitresses section so we sat at a table to wait. Once we did get a booth, we moved over and settled in for the night. The previous residents of the booth left the 'Greensheets' behind. This is basically an independent classified ads paper. I decided to flip through and glance at the ads and lucky for me, there were a few worth blogging about....

100 8-TRACK TAPES, music from 1960-70s, $50 all.


COWBOYS 1994 SUPERBOWL. 17 Millers, 13 Cokes, $25. Unopen.

LARGE/EXTRA large adult diapers: Trade for vacuum cleaner.

This may become a regular feature of the blog, maybe once a month. Enjoy.

P.S. If you are interested in any of these items, click the link above for the Greensheet and search by one of the key words in the ad to get the phone number.