Saturday, February 17, 2007


So, I just realized that it has been almost a week since my last blog, what is wrong with me ?? I guess, as predicted, with school etc. my life has started to get a little mundane. Right now, I am sick. I know, I never get sick......but I have a sore throat and some congestion. Of course, much to my mother's dismay, I have not gone to the doctor. I know I should have yesterday while I was off but, I didn't.

Let's school this past week we had a test in Statistics. It was easy. Maybe because I dislike my Stats teacher so much and think he is incapable of teaching, I studied harder, unsure of what the heck he might put on there. But, I was done in like 12 minutes with the whole test....I know I missed one, maybe two that I just didn't know or guessed at, but sitting there any longer wasn't going to help. Dr. Kuban, Environmental Science, gave us Wednesday night off for Valentine's day so it was a nice short evening for a change.

I had DVR issues again this week.....grrrr. I had been recording every episode of Veronica Mars for my sister because she doesn't get it on her cable and I finally figured out how to move it to a VCR tape on Thursday. So, I started doing that. Then Friday, yesterday, when I woke up I went in to kick off another recording and nothing on my DVR would play. I messed with it and called Time-Warner cable but they said there was nothing they could do except trade out the cable box.....grrrrr. So, if anyone can tell me what happended on One Tree Hill, Desperate Housewives and Criminal Minds this last week - I would appreciate it.

Well, there is a little bit about my week. I know I say it all the time, but I will try to get more regular with my blogging again.

Have a good weekend.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Back home.....

....well, I got back home around 7:30p on Saturday night.....a little later than I had planned but still earlier enough to settle down for the night. I had a great time, as usual, in Abilene. I had lunch with the kids on Friday and then picked them up at 3:15p from school. I managed to get a little studying in there and also got ready for a little after-school project I had for them. We did our project and then when JoLynn got home, we went to Cracker Barrell for dinner, the kids choice. It was nice, even though neither of them ate very well.

Basically, we had an early night with a little Scooby Doo movie marathon before bedtime. Saturday morning we got up and milled around the house until it was time to leave for Mason's basketball game. It's hard to get pics there but here are a couple :

[during the game - the ref makes a call]

[after the game - snack time and rewards]

He plays for a league called Upward Bound through the church. He got a RED star after the game for BEST DEFENSE. I wanted to get a shot of him blocking his assigned guy during the game but it was hard to get the shot. He did really awesome on defense and also had an NBA-like save on out of bounds line during the game.

Overall, a great back to work and school.