Monday, June 05, 2006

I’m baaaccckkkkk…..

So, I’m back. And, here I am at work….yuk ! I had a great time visiting with Mom, Dad and Joey for 10 WHOLE DAYS. I plan to do a recap of the trip over the next few days including some pictures.

As mentioned over a week ago, I arrived safe and sound on Thursday, May 25th around 10:00p. Mom, Dad and Joey were there to greet me of course. Mom was off work for the next four days and Dad was off work for three of the next four days so we were able to go out and about for the long weekend. You may notice me mention MEALS a lot in my recap posts which is due to the fact that I had made numerous requests of my mom and brother on what homemade meals I wanted to eat while I was there. They are both great cooks and know my favorites.

As mentioned previously, on Friday [the 26th] we went to see OVER THE HEDGE which was great. We were going to go down to Casey Key that day but it was rainy and muggy so we decided on an afternoon movie instead. After the movie we went to the store to pick up dinner fixins and then home for dinner and a little NTN Trivia.

Saturday [the 27th], dad had to work so basically Mom and I ran errands. We met Joey for lunch at TGI Friday’s and then headed home to get dinner ready. This was our first night playing cards…..we play this awesome game called SHANGHAI which is kind of a progressive-rummy type game. I, in some kind of wrinkle in the space-time continuum, won the game.

Sunday [the 28th] was Disney Day…..updates and pictures on that tomorrow.