Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ugly Betty, Criminal Minds, CSI : Miami.......

.....and more. I am ready for my shows to come back on. My two favorite shows are Ugly Betty and Criminal Minds....one premieres on September 26th and the other on the 27th. I can't wait, let the countdown begin. I don't really consider myself someone that watches a lot of TV, I think I have mentioned that before....but I do have favorite shows I watch pretty much weekly. They don't tether me to my apartment or anything, I tape them if there are more entertaining things to be done.

Returning shows I am planning to watch/tape in the Fall :

Ugly Betty
Criminal Minds
Law and Order : SVU
CSI : Miami
Boston Legal
Grey's Anatomy
Men In Trees
Desperate Housewives

I don't do reality TV - I might flip over to Dancing with the Stars just to see one person dance or if my normal show is on a re-run but I don't usually stay on there for more that 5 minutes. I used to watch CSI and Heroes but I got behind on them and they kinda fell off my radar.

For the first time in a long time there are several new shows that look interesting. Here are some new shows I am going to try out this year :

Carpoolers - love Jerry O'Connell
Pushing Daisies - just looks interesting
Private Practice
Big Shots - love Michael Vaughn
Women's Murder Club - I've read the books

So we'll see if these survive the cut and stay programmed on my DVR as the season progresses. What are you looking forward to returning ? and new ?

P.S. The ONE show I am boycotting - Cavemen - oh, hell no.


JoLynn said...

I am totally watching Pushing Daisies. I love that kind of show!

Anonymous said...

I miss TV, but can't think of a single dang show that is a MUST watch - I MUST find some! Can't lie - I'm totally stoked for REAL football though! And FYI: Trace - I added my blog to my identity, but I totally don't update it. Another goal of mine, sigh...