Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Cable conspiracy.......

.....I swear if it is not one thing it is another with this new cable company. So, for those of you that don't know.....I did not get DISH Network at my new apartment because my apartment complex charges an additional $300.00 for a deposit if you have a satellite. Which to me is just flat out wrong. First of all, they require you to have like $50,000.00 of renters insurance before you can get it. So, why a deposit ?? If anything happens, that is why I have insurance.....and you can't tell me that a couple of screw holes in the balcony railing requires a $300.00 deposit, come on. Well, I have yet to give in.....but, I am getting close.

So, I have TIME-WARNER cable....which means, I can only have cable in my living room, not my bedroom because there is no cable outlet in there. It also means I have no SoapNet which I'm not happy about. And, then there is yesterday.....yesterday at some early hour, TIME-WARNER decided to change it's cable channel line-up ... so basically what was on channel 15 is now on channel 5, etc. So, everything I had set to record yesterday, recorded something else. Not to mention, all future recordings I had set up were now all jacked-up.

Then, while looking on their website, I see that their DVRs [digital-video records] of which I have one....are supposed to be what they call dual tuners, meaning you can record one show while watching another.....or record two shows at once. Well, guess what, mine isn't !!! So, I call customer service about it and they apologize and really have no explanation as to why I got a single tuner. So, now I either have to wait for 2 weeks for them to come swap it out or I can take mine to one of their centers to swap it out.

Enough already.......feel free to mail me donations to the 'TRACY WANTS DISH NETWORK FUND' to help defray the costs of the $300.00 deposit.


T said...

can you get verizon there? My parents just went w/verizon digital cable and it's like 45$ a month and pretty cool.

SAM said...

Hang in there, Tracy. You'll find that all cable / satellite companies are hustlers and due to their monopoly over local areas, you'll that customer service leaves much to be desired. Many customers find themselves quite peeved at even paying for service after the first heavy storm.