Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tracy the jetsetter....

....well, I wish. Yesterday, I took my roommate to the airport at o-dark-thirty for a flight to Salt Lake City and ultimately Jackson Hole, Wyoming where she is spending a week with one of her friends that works on a dude ranch. Then, my sister came in last night and I took her to the airport pre-o-dark-thirty for her flight today to, where elese, Salt Lake City, where she will be spending four days doing her favorite thing...scrapbooking. So, needless to say I am tired. Early to bed for me tonight.

Updates on dad.....he is STILL in the hospital and it is driving him NUTSO !! He hates it. Basically, they put the internal defibulator in late Tuesday and they wanted him to stay in bed and rest all day yesterday to get all the dyes, etc thru his system after the catheter and this little procedure. I think he was hoping to go home yesterday....but,, they want to check out his legs and lungs for possible clotting issues. So, today he has to have a cat-scan and a leg-scan to check that out and then they may put him on some kind of blood thinning drug which word has it takes some bothersome effort to regulate initially. Then with any luck, he will get to go home later today. Not sure how long he will have to be at home recovering until he can go back to work and how much he actually will be able to work when he goes back. But, I know he is antsy so being home will be an improvement.


P.S. Congrats Joey on 30 days - you're doing awesome !!! I love you very much !!!

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