Sunday, July 09, 2006

Get well soon, dad !

The hardest part about living 2000 miles from my parents really comes out on weekends like this.....Saturday morning my dad had a mild heart-attack. He's in the hospital now mainly giving the nurses a hard time and getting irritated at having to stare at a clock all day. He's doing OK and they are going to do a heart catheter on him tomorrow morning to see what's going on in there. I'm hoping it was just a knock on his thick skull reminding him to eat better and get a little exercise.....but the catheter will tell us if it is more than that. It could require more angioplasty or even a bypass procedure but no need thinking about all the possibilities until we know more. So, I'll give another update tomorrow night.

Mom and Joey are doing OK, given all the craziness......I'm glad they have each other during times like this. I just wish I was there to give them both a big HUG !!!

Peace and rest to all three.....and, please, keep them in your thoughts a prayers.

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