Monday, November 03, 2008


No, that is not an exclamation of excitement - it is actually the abbreviation for an on-line game called WORLD OF WARCRAFT - it's been around a while and my sister is addicted, I mean, has been barely interested in it for about 2 years. She came to Florida by herself for a visit in September and while she was here, she bought my brother and I the software and a one month subscription.

We've played on-line a couple of times.....once with her here to guide us and then together with frequent phone calls back and forth.

I think the main thing about it is that it is FOREVER ... there is no end to it, no win. It's basically just an alternate universe where you have a character and you constantly go on quests to accomplish tasks. It seems, although I am new to it, that it is best played with a group. I think as you gain levels and start having more complicated quests, you can't do them on your own anyway.

If I remember correctly, I am a Druid [Night Elf] in the Sentinel realm for those of you that are familiar and may even have a player yourselves.

Anyone ?

1 comment:

Digital Fortress said...

I've heard a lot about WOW over the years, but have never played.

Gabriel and I got into playing Runescape this last summer though.

I think the main quest is not letting the game become a substitute for real life. ;)