Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My last $20.....

....so, there is this website I go to sometimes and they have this feature called 'Writer's Block' - basically it gives you a question or topic you can write about in your blog when you can't come up with anything. So, here is today's question/topic :

List three things you'd buy with your last $20. One practical, one frivolous and one of your choosing.

OK, I guess I have to make some assumptions here in order to answer this....so I guess I am going to say, this is my last $20 and I homeless, in other words, I don't have all my other stuff.

Hmmm, one practical, probably some kind of container, something I can eat out of, maybe drink out of and carry stuff in. Frivolous, hair clips or rubber bands, I guess...and my choosing, a deck of cards.

What would you buy, assuming the same thing....you are homeless and this is your last $20.


Digital Fortress said...

Well, the first thing that entered my mind was to purchase a pistol and some bullets (if possible) from a pawn shop, but a more practical/safer idea would be to get a sack of lemons in order to make some lemonade and turn a profit with the sour turn life has given me. ;)

Another thought would be some lottery tickets...my luck might change.

Change the situation by force, by work or by luck.

Anonymous said...

Practical: $20.00 worth of cheap food stuff to survive until I could get a job.
Frivolous: $20.00 worth of Lotto tickets and hope for the best.
My choise: A $20.00 bus ticket to Dallas and sponge off my daughter - Tracy.