Monday, December 04, 2006

Elevator Etiquette

I don’t know who raised half [or more] of the population but apparently whoever it was, they did not teach their offspring about elevator etiquette. I am asking you now to learn this lesson and pass it on. When you are waiting on an elevator, make sure you are standing to the side when the door opens allowing EVERYONE on the elevator time to exit before you move forward and step on. DO NOT plow onto the elevator the minute the doors open. This applies to basically ALL forms of public transportation, which an elevator is unless you have one in your home and then you can do whatever the hell you want to. This morning at school as I am trying to get off the elevator three girls plow into me, trying to get in, when there are still more people trying to get off. As I walk by them, they rudely say “Excuse me.” as they knock my backpack from my shoulder in their rush to enter the elevator. Needless to say, we almost had a throw-down.

Be polite. Be considerate. Do unto others.....


Digital Fortress said...

Some folks are just too wrapped up in their own little worlds to realize that they aren’t the only ones on this planet. Elevators, buses, trains, etc...The people coming off have the right of way…it’s an unspoken rule. Sheesh!

Courtney's Cabana said...

I would have said "Get Yo" to those girls.

JoLynn said...

hmmm . . . I know someone who has ranted about this same topic. People have no manners in general.