Friday, June 23, 2006

I hate nut grease.

Remember when I said I loved to make my titles something that would make you want to read them…….?? How was this one ?? Ha ha.

So, today is my last day at Encore Payments Systems…'s a sad and happy day. I am sad to be leaving so many great people that were really there for me when I needed it. But, I am happy about the new job that starts Monday.

Oh yeah….the blog title. I promised to make Curtis some chocolate chip cookies for his last day here at Encore [which is also my last day] and his only request was that I put WALNUTS in the cookies. Now, I am not a fan of nuts in my cookies but I gave in and made them last night. Well, when you add nuts to cookies… this case walnuts… adds what I call ‘nut grease’ to the batter and that makes the cookies bake flatter….which I hate. As my roommate can tell you, I am VERY particular about how the cookie from the oven LOOKS. It has to be the perfect brown on the outside with a crunch and soft a yummy on the inside and it absolutely CANNOT be flat. So, there you have it….I hate nut grease.

Have a nice day.


Courtney's Cabana said...

Yes you are very particular about your cookies, but I like it that I get to eat the "messed up" ones.

Unknown said...

The cookies where great!! Thank you, again, for putting in the walnuts. You have my humble permission to not put nuts in your cookies again.

Anonymous said...

yeah - i guess i hate it too! ;)