Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New schedule

So, I haven't blogged in a few days. Nothing much really going on. I finally found an apartment so I have that all lined up. I know, I know, I waited until the last minute but I just didn't want to settle for something too quickly when there are so many choices out there. I ended up getting a really good deal that will help me transition from paying half of everything to paying everything so that is good. Plus, I am on the 2nd floor and in the back of the complex.....which meets all of my safety concerns. Of course, you can't have any certainty in this day and age that something won't happen to your car or your belongings but every little precaution helps. JoLynn and the kids are coming over this weekend to help me with going thru some of my stuff and slimming down my belongings before the move.

I started a new work schedule this week in preparation of school starting. So now I am working this crazy schedule :

Mon, Fri : 11:00a - 8:00p
Tue, Sat, Sun : 8:00a - 5:00p
Wed, Thu : days off

It's seems all over the place but it does accommodate my school schedule and that was the important thing. I would have like to have one weekend day off but I guess having two days in a row is good too.

Dad is doing good and finally got the OK to go back to work part-time which makes him happy. Mom and Dad went and saw Joey on Sunday and said he was looking well and wanted mail....ha ha ! I am still not biting my nails.....it is getting easier.

So for now, all is good.


JoLynn said...

The kids sent Joey mail today!!!

Digital Fortress said...

That's Great that your Father is doing so much better.

Good luck with the move, let us know if you need any help.

How much longer for your schooling?