Sunday, June 25, 2006

Weekend update.....

So, yesterday I went to Hillsboro for my best friend's dad's birthday. He is the big 7-0. I really love my friends family. They are very close like my own and although this was a big milestone they tend to get together often for family gatherings which I have been fortunate to have participated in many times. I haven't seen many of them for awhile because mine and Charles' lives have been so busy and our free time conflicting but I hope we can remedy that in the coming months. As requested on my invitation, I brought homemade chocolate chip cookies [without nuts] and needless to say everyone was happy to see me when I got there.

Today, Sunday, I am working on re-organizing my bedroom which will soon be my bedroom/office. Once I move, I will move the office out of my room to the dining room or maybe a sunroom but for now it will stay in my bedroom. I need to get some shelves for my personal stuff so my desk area can be business only. But, that will have to wait until next payday....which is fine.

Tomorrow, Monday, I have the day off because our training starts on Tuesday. I am spending most of the day doing school stuff, going to TCC and UTA to make sure all of the Ts are crossed and Is dotted in time for the fall semester. Hopefully, my financial aide is in place otherwise I'll also use this time to see what their payment plans are like for tuition/books. I'm going to try and squeeze in a lunch with Charles tomorrow too if he calls me.

Well, that's it for now. I'll update more tomorrow night before my big training day.

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